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Frequently Asked Questions

• DeFi stands for Decentralized Finance. It's a new financial system that utilizes blockchain technology to facilitate peer-to-peer financial transactions without intermediaries.

A Sukuk is an Islamic financial certificate that represents ownership of underlying assets or the right to their use. It functions similarly to a conventional bond but adheres to Sharia principles.

Who can invest in Sukuk? Sukuk are available to a wide range of investors, including individuals, institutions, and corporations seeking Sharia-compliant investment options.

Unlike a bond, which represents a debt obligation with fixed interest payments, a Sukuk reflects ownership in an underlying asset with variable return expectations. This structure adheres to Islamic principles that prohibit Riba.

DeFi platforms can facilitate the issuance, trading, and management of Sukuk certificates in a transparent and efficient manner. This can potentially lower fees and increase accessibility for investors.

We prioritize security and employ industry-standard practices to safeguard your assets, including secure storage solutions and robust KYC procedures.

The range between 1% and 1.25% is a potential profit target range, not a guaranteed payment. Our Sukuk Al-Mudaraba investments aim to generate profits from the underlying assets or projects in compliance with Sharia law. The term "guaranteed" in this context would violate the principles of Sharia, as it implies a guaranteed return (riba). These profits are then distributed to you after subtracting any management fees and potential losses. However, based on the performance of the past 96 profit distributions (excluding outliers), Aladdin AI has consistently generated between 1% and 1.5%. Therefore, there is a high probability you will receive your profit share (weekly coupon payout).

It is $20, allowing everyone to participate in investing in Sukuk.

Step one: Join Aladdin+ by signing up. Step two: Make a deposit. Step three: Receive your weekly payout.

You can expect to receive your first payout exactly 7 days after making the initial investment.

Investors who hold a Sukuk to maturity (when it becomes due) get back the face value of the Sukuk. But investors who sell a Sukuk before it matures may receive a different amount.