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Aladdin+ Sharia-compliant Investment Strategy: A Method Grounded in with Ethical Principles


At Aladdin+, we are driven by a commitment to ethical and Sharia-compliant financial solutions. Leveraging the innovative power of Web3 and Decentralized Finance (DeFi), we offer Sukuk (Islamic bonds) built upon a foundation of Islamic values. Our investment strategy, guided by a customized version of the Aladdin AI portfolio management software, prioritizes Sharia compliance and fosters positive societal impact.

Core Principles

Sharia Adherence: All investment decisions rigorously adhere to Sharia principles as meticulously reviewed by our esteemed Sharia Supervisory Board. We actively avoid industries and activities deemed prohibited (haram), including:
• Alcohol
• Prostitution
• Interest-based transactions (riba)
• Drugs and narcotics
• Arms and explosives

Transparency and Accountability: We maintain complete transparency in our investment processes and holdings. Our investors are privy to the underlying Sharia-compliant assets backing their Sukuk investments.

Ethical Considerations: We prioritize ethical considerations beyond the core Sharia prohibitions. We actively seek investments that contribute to a more just and sustainable world, focusing on sectors such as:
• Renewable energy
• Infrastructure development
• Sustainable agriculture
• Socially responsible enterprises

Sharia Screening

The customized Aladdin AI software offers a powerful tool for Sharia-compliant portfolio management. The software is meticulously programmed with a comprehensive database of Islamic financial principles and ethical considerations.

Here's a breakdown of the AI's role:
1. Data Collection and Analysis: The AI gathers and analyzes vast amounts of financial data on potential investments.
2. Sharia-compliant Filtering: The AI applies rigorous Sharia filters, excluding companies or activities deemed haram by the Sharia Supervisory Board.
3. Ethical Impact Assessment: Beyond basic Sharia compliance, the AI evaluates the ethical and social impact of potential investments.
4. Portfolio Optimization: The AI constructs a diversified portfolio of Sharia-compliant assets designed to maximize returns while minimizing risk.

Human Expertise Combined with AI

While the AI plays a crucial role in screening and portfolio optimization, human expertise remains central to our investment strategy. Our experienced investment team, deeply versed in Islamic finance and ethical considerations, provides the final oversight and decision-making authority. By combining the power of AI with the wisdom of human experience, Aladdin+ strives to deliver exceptional Sharia-compliant returns while fostering a positive impact on the world.